Yesterday, I posted the list of the 10 Most Popular Gay Porn Stars of 2013, and today I’m releasing another featuring the 10 most viewed gay porn news and video releases of 2013. This TOP 10 is based on your clicks only!! If you can’t find your favorite scene below, let me know in the comment section.
Yeah, I would think Jake Gensis leaving gay porn would be the top issue, the Original Sinners movie would be next, Johnny Rapid’s MENS (anything he’s in), Rocco Reed’s the gangbang was hot, anything with Jesse Jackman, Rogan Richards, Scott Hunter, Diego Lauzen, Wagner Vittoria, Adam Killian, Damien Crosse, Sebastian Young, and much as Paddy tried the best bottoming would go to Paul, his bf.
Yeah, Paul Walker is Paddy’s best mate. Paddy fucked him earlier in the year and he’s a natural at it.
Oh I thought Paddy was a gay 4 pay actor! Even though he’s been very versatile of late!
He is but Paul had done some straight porn and was introduced as Paddy’s best friend (mate in theUK).
Oh, when you stated BF, I assumed boyfriend!
That’s alright I should have spelled it out, common error, my friend. ; )
Dude u my dogg!! But I’m just a bit clueless to the text talk & tweet shzzt. but I’m intrigued with this format, Peace out my bratha!
Thanks dude!! I need more doggs in my pound. lol It’s alright not to get caught up in the text & tweet thing, I was intrigued with it, and since I work alot; decided that between work and family, I needed another life. One just for me and the people I want be be involved with, and not the ones, I was always responsible for all the time. So now you’re one of my friends. Take care and don’t be a stranger. ; )
Oh I thought Paddy was a gay 4 pay actor! Even though he’s been very versatile of late!
Jake will truly be missed, but his statement was confusing!
Yeah but he had a lot of turmoil going on in his life as someone being close to his family, his faith (a once studying priest), and a former police officer. He jumped into porn so fast and so hard, that I guess it caught up with him. Anyway, he is missed and I wish him well.
You’re very insightful…are you associated with this blog? If so please excuse my ignorance!
Happy New Year!
Aw Thanks sandiego55. I’m here a lot on the blog, and close to our fearless QP. I’m also on twitter, and has made some contacts with some of the performers. Jake was one of them at the time. I had noticed that in some of his tweets to me that he was going through some kind of conflict before doing the movie Original Sinners. He would let me in on some of the things that was going on in his head, and I would be a friend, and listen. I just wish him well and hope that everything works out for him as I do all the performers that entertain us. And man, it’s not a crime or ignorant to ask anything if your really want to know. That’s how we learn and grow. Thanks man for talking with me. Dark
It’s I who thank you!! I was trying to recall the first time Jake blew my mind…I think it was on Men@Play, and did some research on him, and found an article he’d written about leaving his career behind, as well as his preference for Latin -types, hard to conceive him not jumping into the life, eyes wide open!!
But again I thank you for your time and bid you adios!
Take care.
Oh Yeah, And a Happy New Year to you too!
Oh, what a year it’s been…. 😀
It was a roller-coaster!
Paddy’s scene was just overhyped. What a dud that turned out to be.
Yeah, it was a let down.
How does # 5 make the list…when it’s on a site that’s under construction?!!
And where do you “click” for your video choice? The list is wac!!
This list is based on’s most viewed blog posts.
Adam Killian looks like a panting beast in jungle heat in that Original Sinners promo shot. hehehe.
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