HardKinks.com has finally released Rogan Richards and Martin Mazza‘s fetish video, which is 35 minutes long! This video is a must see for the all you fetish pigs! You can see wet blowjobs, humiliation, feet licking, armpit smelling, muscles, socks, sneakers, sweat, rough sex, abuse, bondage, violence, double penetration, deepthroating, spanking, whipping, spitting and more!
Make sure you follow the studio at @HardKinks and on Facebook! Also follow @soyMartinMazza and @RoganRichards!
No one reigns the beast. Get ready for the most intense fetish session you’ve ever seen. For the first time in Hardkinks we bring you two porn heavyweights: Rogan Richards and Martin Mazza in a frenzied meeting full of testosterone and adrenaline you can’t miss! Martin Mazza is get double penetration with Rogan and dildos. Everything is in a bar, where Rogan is the bar tender and Martin a stupid client, thank don´t believe than the big guys fucking well.
Rogan and Martin are such nice guys, they also sent me a shout out video! Thank you for that, I love it!
[c5ab_video c5_helper_title=”” c5_title=”” url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9eZrK-Evxw” ]Watch Martin and Rogan fuck at HardKinks
Watch Martin and Rogan fuck at HardKinks [jwplayer player=”1″ mediaid=”27023″]
Rogan, I’ll help you abuse Martin’s bubble hot ass, and you both can do me, then the tides will turn. I’ll show you both my darkside.
so scorching hot!
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