It’s been 3 months since I posted some hot behind the scenes photos of Rogan Richards and Veles shooting a video for TimTales, but the scene is now available to watch online…finally! If you are into beefy guys, you are going to love this now scene, because Rogan and Veles have huge muscles! Rogan starts surprisingly tender, but keeps on increasing the power until he rocks all the weight of the hot muscle bottom. Enjoy!
Watch Rogan and Veles fuck at Tim Tales
As Rogan says, “It’s all about the flex.” But boy, the fucking ain’t that bad either.
There’s a lot of prime beef here. The way Rogan drills Veles is hot.
This is what it’s all about!
Rogan seems to have two fuck speeds…hard and harder, and i love it!
Veles’ eyes did roll back in his head there at one point. Oh, how lucky.
thanks for the cool feedback guys! i FKIN LOVED pumping Veles – i had been asking studios to give me someone built for ages… but not only is he SUPA SEXY he’s a genuine bloke too! XXX RR (keep watching and ill keep fuckin)
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