Our favourite gay porn stars tweeted many homemade porn videos in the last few weeks, so make sure you follow these hot men on Twitter! You can see videos of Billy Santoro, Antonio Miracle, Bruno Fox, Nick North, Caleb Daniels, D.K., Eli Hunter, Jonathan Agassi and Zander Craze! Enjoy them!
Billy Santoro – @BillySantoroXXX
Billy Santoro on Twitter
I found a big cock in SF! pic.twitter.com/1LS5wkwRjM
Antonio Miracle & Mario Domenech – @AntonioMiracle & @MarioDomenechX
Antonio Miracle xxx on Twitter
@MarioDomenechX para el recuerdo pic.twitter.com/KegmIaiQxU
Antonio Miracle xxx on Twitter
@MarioDomenechX pic.twitter.com/MuI6Oznss7
Bruno Fox & Nick North – @Brunofoxxxx & @NickNorthPORN
Bruno Fox on Twitter
Sometimes i get fucked @NickNorthPORN pic.twitter.com/pFlZMFFm4n
Eli Hunter – @elihunter88
Eli Hunter on Twitter
Click here to see me live —> http://www.cams.com/reg/Eli_Hunter come join me in my filthy shenanigans pic.twitter.com/sSsMBsKrlS
Armando De Armas – @dearmasarmando
armando de armas on Twitter
morning !!!!!! @Gaystring @FalconStudiosPR @wear4u @TitanMen @hardfriction @theQueerPig @Bisexualhot RT pic.twitter.com/FpDzjQtVM0
D.K. – @DKKxxx
D.K. on Twitter
D.K. on Twitter
Good morning pic.twitter.com/CTCxYeCg3E
Caleb Daniels – @CalebDanielsXXX
Caleb Daniels on Twitter
Who wants a taste? @QueerMeNow @GuysNsweatpants @HotMaleStuds @malecelebstudio @LudgerBrinkmann @dicksandudes pic.twitter.com/Tmdp8FNyVL
Jonathan Agassi – @jonathanagassi2
jonathan agassi on Twitter
Yep pic.twitter.com/Q3xwZzYVIZ
Zander Craze – @zandercrazexxx
Sir Zander Craze on Twitter
Give it to me… Yeah! i’ve always liked milk @LucasEnt @hornyhole @theQueerPig @QueerMeNow @COPBlog @nawakrit pic.twitter.com/b3gHqLvcWk
1 comment
Having Nick North as a boyfriend….sounds like a dream. He’s so sexy and flexible. Of course I think he’s a better bottom lol.
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