The time has come for Colby Jansen to finally get inside Tommy Regan, the man he’s been crushing on ever since first laying eyes on his tight ass. Colby may have played dirty and abused the Patriot Act to get what he wanted, but boy was it worth it with Tommy savoring every last drop from his pulsing cock.
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A hot way to play dirty, Colby Jansen and Tommy Regan.
Waiting for Colby to get that big round ass fucked like never before. Think he needs a leaner, hung muscle stud to do the job to contrast his sexy burly look.
I think he needs Arron Bruiser to tackle that big ass of his, he’s big burly and hot!
Cameron Diggs could do it too. His huge dick would tame big sexy Colby.
I wonder if Colby could handle something that big.
He would. Cameron has fucked smaller twinkier guys. Colby getting pounded by that dick would be one of the highlights of the year lol.
Yeah, I do have a thingy for Cameron, and he has that bad boy persona going, I agree, hope he’s UP for it!
Aloha DH…Great call! Colby need to be anal-ized by a big burly pig like Aaron. Flip-flopping would be awesome! ??
Amen, HJ!
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