Jorge Ballantinos • QueerPig - Gay Porn Blog Hardcore photos and videos featuring the latest gay porn scenes & porn stars. Wed, 08 Aug 2012 17:15:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 33983629 EXCLUSIVE photos from Circuit Barcelona: Jake Genesis, Rogan Richards, Francesco D’Macho, Damien Crosse & more Wed, 08 Aug 2012 09:13:02 +0000 QueerPig - Gay Porn Blog

I managed to get some exclusive photos from the biggest international gay event Circuit Barcelona! There are many porn stars having a great time there, enjoying the hot guys, the…

EXCLUSIVE photos from Circuit Barcelona: Jake Genesis, Rogan Richards, Francesco D’Macho, Damien Crosse & more Thanks for reading QueerPig - Gay Porn Blog

QueerPig - Gay Porn Blog

I managed to get some exclusive photos from the biggest international gay event Circuit Barcelona! There are many porn stars having a great time there, enjoying the hot guys, the great music and the beach. Some of them are there to dance and do promotions like Jake Genesis, Rogan Richards, Jorge Ballantinos, and some just there for the parties like Francesco D’Macho, Damien Crosse, Goran, Carlos Gustavo and Orlando Toro.

Make sure you check out Jake Genesis’ interview with Men At Play, which is a part of his upcoming solo “Private Show” (coming this Friday) the latest Stag Homme video “The Mechanic” starring Goran and Max Duran, and the new Stag Homme dvd “Dirty Boys”!

I’ll post more pictures later, so stay tuned!


EXCLUSIVE photos from Circuit Barcelona: Jake Genesis, Rogan Richards, Francesco D’Macho, Damien Crosse & more Thanks for reading QueerPig - Gay Porn Blog

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