Cruz • QueerPig - Gay Porn Blog Hardcore photos and videos featuring the latest gay porn scenes & porn stars. Fri, 07 Jun 2013 15:16:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 33983629 Cruz and Glenn fuck in ChaosMen’s new series “PURE” Sat, 08 Jun 2013 04:01:28 +0000 QueerPig - Gay Porn Blog

I would like to introduce you to ChaosMen’s new theme for the Summer of 2013. In ChaosMen’s new PURE videos you can see something more erotic and sweet with your…

Cruz and Glenn fuck in ChaosMen’s new series “PURE” Thanks for reading QueerPig - Gay Porn Blog

QueerPig - Gay Porn Blog

I would like to introduce you to ChaosMen’s new theme for the Summer of 2013. In ChaosMen’s new PURE videos you can see something more erotic and sweet with your favorite models. In all-white-room, the focus is on the models, and not the accessories. Lots of kissing, romance, and body/cock worship, give these videos a little extra zip that veers away from hardcore to romance.
The guys tend to use body oils in these videos. There is just something about shooting with body oil and the erotic build up to the sex, that has turned even the straightest performer into a hungry for cock model.

First-up is Cruz and Glenn. These two are clearly into each other, and for me, I feel like it is just one of those videos that you should watch every second. No skippng to the end for the finale!

Watch Cruz and Glenn at ChaosMen

Watch Cruz and Glenn at ChaosMen

Watch Cruz and Glenn at ChaosMen

Cruz and Glenn fuck in ChaosMen’s new series “PURE” Thanks for reading QueerPig - Gay Porn Blog

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Cruz barebacks Booker at ChaosMen Sat, 15 Dec 2012 10:31:27 +0000 QueerPig - Gay Porn Blog

Booker has officially decided he is a bottom boy. No more topping for him as he is really enjoying bottoming. He also gets a bit nervous when the pressure is…

Cruz barebacks Booker at ChaosMen Thanks for reading QueerPig - Gay Porn Blog

QueerPig - Gay Porn Blog

Booker has officially decided he is a bottom boy. No more topping for him as he is really enjoying bottoming. He also gets a bit nervous when the pressure is on him to stay hard and top, plus he knows it is a sure-fire way to make him surely fire.

Which is kind of a shame in some ways, because Cruz has been hinting that he would like to bottom. When he has messed around with guys, he says he is usually fairly passive and likes getting fucked. So I am for sure having him bottom the next time out, but for this video, he is large and in charge.

Booker clearly likes to suck cock, and Cruz likes to receive. But when the rolls are reversed, I think Cruz shines because his dick and his brain are both totally turned on by having Booker’s cock in his mouth. It helped that he was giving head to Booker while he stood, which also gave him full-access to his own cock, stroking it every now and then to keep it aroused.

Cruz breaks Booker in by fucking him doggy-style, then they move to the foot of the bed to try some advanced fucking. Booker’s quads get a work out as he squats on Cruz’s long cock, gyrating and riding his dick cowboy and reverse cowboy style.

After the balancing act, Booker was eager to get his ankles up in the air while Cruz goes to town on his hole. Booker has an intense orgasm, clenching his powerful legs which then pushed poor Cruz out and and way. Booker has an amazing orgasm, while Cruz lost his inertia. No way was he going ramp-up to cum, so we switched gears.

Booker has done the ass in the air trick before and Cruz is good while cumming on his back, so we had him unload into Booker’s hole all upside-down-like. He shot all over Booker’s face too, almost blinding him!

Watch Cruz and Booker fuck at ChaosMen [jwplayer config=”Custom Player” mediaid=”14598″]

Watch Cruz and Booker fuck at ChaosMen

Cruz barebacks Booker at ChaosMen Thanks for reading QueerPig - Gay Porn Blog

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Cruz busts a nut at ChaosMen Thu, 16 Aug 2012 07:01:59 +0000 QueerPig - Gay Porn Blog

Here is Cruz, a straight married guy who is ready to get naked for ChaosMen members. He has a great body and cock, and hopefully, he will do more than…

Cruz busts a nut at ChaosMen Thanks for reading QueerPig - Gay Porn Blog

QueerPig - Gay Porn Blog

Here is Cruz, a straight married guy who is ready to get naked for ChaosMen members. He has a great body and cock, and hopefully, he will do more than just a solo in his upcoming ChaosMen video! I’d love to see him bottom for a big muscle top! How about you?

Watch Cruz at Chaos Men

Watch Cruz at Chaos Men

Cruz busts a nut at ChaosMen Thanks for reading QueerPig - Gay Porn Blog
