Chan Mason • QueerPig - Gay Porn Blog Hardcore photos and videos featuring the latest gay porn scenes & porn stars. Fri, 02 Sep 2016 15:49:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 33983629 Casting News: Tyler Berg, Wolf Rayet, Bulrog, Damien Crosse, Flex, Darius Ferdynand & more Fri, 02 Sep 2016 15:19:01 +0000 QueerPig - Gay Porn Blog

➜ The Lucas Entertainment crew is still in Barcelona filming new bareback movies with Tyler Berg, Denis Sokolov, Wolf Rayet, Viktor Rom, Alejandro Castillo, Josh Rider, Logan Moore, Ibrahim Moreno, Alejandro Torres, Bogdan Gromov, Ken Summers, Damon Heart, Devin Franco, Dominic Arrow, Javi Velaro, James Castle, Mario Domenech, Jacen…

Casting News: Tyler Berg, Wolf Rayet, Bulrog, Damien Crosse, Flex, Darius Ferdynand & more Thanks for reading QueerPig - Gay Porn Blog

QueerPig - Gay Porn Blog

➜ The Lucas Entertainment crew is still in Barcelona filming new bareback movies with Tyler BergDenis Sokolov, Wolf RayetViktor RomAlejandro CastilloJosh RiderLogan MooreIbrahim MorenoAlejandro TorresBogdan GromovKen SummersDamon Heart, Devin FrancoDominic ArrowJavi VelaroJames CastleMario DomenechJacen ZhuAlex KofMarq Daniels, Stas Landon, Zander Craze and Bulrog!

Ken Summers on Twitter

Ibrahim Moreno on Twitter


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Flex Xtremmo filmed a new scene for Men At Play with Antonio Miracle and Darius Ferdynand.



Chan Mason and Brogan Reed filmed a new bareback scene for Jason Sparks Live.



Seth Knight and Brandon Jones on the set of Jones Exposed.

Jonesexposed on Twitter



➜  Trey TurnerRuss Magnus and Gabriel Fisk on the set of Breed Me Raw.



Mike Maverick and Sean Duran filmed a new bareback video for Raw Fuck Club.


Casting News: Tyler Berg, Wolf Rayet, Bulrog, Damien Crosse, Flex, Darius Ferdynand & more Thanks for reading QueerPig - Gay Porn Blog

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