Sean Cody‘s latest discovery loves adventures! Stephen is a handsome oak wants to surf, climb mountains and get lost in exotic countries. In his SC debut, Stephen gets naked and jerks off his cock for us.
Make sure you also watch the studio’s latest bareback video starring Cameron and Bryce!
Watch Stephen’s hot solo scene at Sean Cody
Watch Stephen’s hot solo scene at Sean Cody [jwplayer player=”1″ mediaid=”35000″]
The face of a sweet Cherub and a body the devil couldn’t stop me from sinning with.
I bet he’s a moaner.
Just so I can make him moan loud and noisy!
And spray cum everywhere.
What a nice looking guy. Would like to see him in action.
I want to be in his action.
Wouldn’t mind watching that.
I would like to see him with a beard. Can you imagine!?!
Off the charts hot.
Such a beautiful dick.
Even better in a warm mouth or ass.
But of course! 😀
Sliding away, hitting that magic spot until you erupt.
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