Staxus is a mega-site with the content of 10 gay porn studios: Raw, DirtyFuckers, Abused, Bareback Monster Cocks, Britladz, Sportladz, Older-Younger, Gang Bang, Outdoors and Uniforms! This porn site has a new video every second day, that are available to be streamed and downloaded! This means Staxus has a lot to offer: hardcore sex, bareback, interracial, BDSM, pissing, military, monster cocks, outdoor sex and many other scenarios. The site features young, athletic guys around 20, but you will find lots of twinks and mature men too!
You can stream and download the Staxus videos in the various resolutions. For streaming you have the following options: auto, 720p and 480p. If you want to download a scene you can choose between Full HD (1080p), High Definition (720p) and Standard (480p). The video quality is crystal clear for the best viewer experience (no DRM).
Each video has a description, categories and list of the models appearing in that specific video. You can also rate each scene or add it to your favourites, and you can even write comment about them. At the bottom of each video page, you’ll find the related videos.
The streaming is flawless, it didn’t take a second the load the best quality video, and I could click anywhere on the timeline without experiencing slow loading.
Staxus has 34798 photos with an average of 20 HQ photos/gallery. You can view the photos in fully size on the website, but you can also download all the pictures in a zip file!
As of today, Staxus has 1681 videos for your to watch and 34798 photos featuring more than 400 models! The site gets updated every second day, so a Staxus membership worths every cent!
Staxus has a fine selection of guys like Johny Cruz, Rudy Valentino, Jack Cameron, Jack Rider, Johan Volny, Cameron Jackson and hundreds of other hot porn models. The studio has young, athletic type of guys, but you will also find lots of twinks and mature men in their videos. There are uncut and cut, small and monster cocks all for your pleasure.
Staxus has many bonus videos from various porn studios. The studio also has a free blog with preview pictures/trailers, and a forum.
Streaming + Download
- $29.95 for 1 month (recurring every 30 days)
- $69.95 for 3 months (recurring every 90 days)
- $199 for 12 months (doesn’t rebill)
Streaming ONLY
- $19.95 for 1 month (recurring every 30 days)
- $49.95 for 3 months (recurring every 90 days)
- $140 for 12 months (doesn’t rebill)
totally awesome website lot of sexy hot gorgeous looking guy’s an fantastic sex action going on
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