After getting kinky while watching the perfect sunset, boyish cutie Archie and toned hunk Sean sit down for a little chat before going back into the bedroom. “So, Archie how did you like our little walk to the sunset?” asks brown-haired Sean. “It was beautiful, especially when you have a hot guy to warm you up. Did it turn you on at all? ” replies athletic Archie. “Yeah, it did. I like PDA; I like to do stuff in public,” answers Sean. “I know it turns you on that someone could walk out and see you at any moment. They could freak out, but I don’t give a fuck,” explains Archie. “Or they could watch!” retorts Sean. “For all we know someone might’ve been masturbating to us making out. We could’ve given some dude a great orgasm!” says Archie.
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Me liking the match up!
Uh huh yeppers!
I see “The Amazing Spider-man” is back and he stole “The Man of Steel’s” Body fur! “WINK”
Stroke stroke and away!!!
Faster than a speedy fuck and sticky as a spider web too!
lol I wish it was a flip
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