The sun is out, and so are the boys! Muscular hunk Archie and ripped cutie Ayden worship each other’s nearly nude bodies with a bottle of sunscreen. “It squirted all over you,” says brown-haired Archie. “Man, just rub it in,” replies Ayden as Archie sensually rubs the lotion into his chest. “These are some nice shoulders, and you’re so muscular,” comments Archie. “You are too,” responds Ayden while flexing his arms. They lock lips for a passionate kiss, and slowly make their way into a private room. Ayden drops to his knees in hurry taking in Archie’s manhood. “Damn, you don’t waste any time!” says Archie leaning back to enjoy his wet blowjob.
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1 comment
Archie went butt wild on Ayden!
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