Esteban Orive is no stranger to us, because we have seen him many time destroying tight holes at TimTales! He makes his debut at Fucker Mate this week and his latest “victim” is Ruben Mastin, who takes Esteban’s cock and his hand up his ass….wow…this guy is a real power bottom!
Watch Esteban and Ruben fuck at Fucker Mate
Watch Esteban and Ruben fuck at Fucker Mate [jwplayer player=”1″ mediaid=”34256″]
Somebody really got the reaming of his life with that thing! Esteban I want the same please.
Esteban is so big it’s kind of like they could be in two different rooms and his dick would still reach.
i’ll just be in the next room, then. 😀
It would be like one big shish kabob with juices running everywhere.
mmmmm…..*lick* *slurp*
I want to savor everything.
I’m glad to see Esteban again. Ruben makes a hot-as-fuck scene partner.
I like the shot of Esteban’s dick and hand in Ruben’s ass.
I can only imagine what it must be like to be on the receiving end of Esteban’s freakishly large manhood. I am glad Ruben got to sit on it to experience its full effect.
It’s like a third arm.
So, fisting then…. ? 😀
It would probably feel that way. ;-D
oooooh! 0:-)
He should get a job as a plumber, with that snake he could unplug any drain.
To hell with unplugging…he could plug mine.
Good luck sitting after that. 😉
I would relish the challenge. :-}
You may want to buy a donut to sit on for a few days (and some ointment). 😉
hehehehehe 😀
If you’d like, I can kiss it and make it feel better. ;-)*
YES, please!!! 🙂
I will lick and kiss it for as long as need be! ;-)~ ;-)*
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