Handsome, athletic top Arad Winwin is just trying to get through his serving shift at a restaurant, but horny bottoms Shane Jackson and Parker Rowan keep pulling him into their petty games. The tall, slim Parker and the bearded, handsome Shane fight over who Arad is flirting with, tipping him more and more to service their thick cocks in front of the other. Things escalate, and it’s not long before the two hungry bottoms are tearing off the hung waiter’s clothes for a down and dirty, fiercely competitive three-way.
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Arad Winwin didn’t settle this Shane Jackson/Parker Rowan rival, so to being again!
Hell yeah wish I was there as well
That makes two of us!
3 hot brunets banging like there is no tomorrow!
Love the two thumbs down in the two holes side by side picture very hot!!
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