The morning after a good party is usually a rough one, but Scott’s in fine shape, seeing as how he went to bed alone last night. Scott Finn was hoping to get laid, but he never could find the host towards the end of the night, but now that he’s cornered Johnny Hill in the bathroom, it’s time to make his move. Johnny would like nothing more than to stretch Scott wide open and have his way with him, but Scott is his buddies little brother, and he’s sure he’d get his ass kicked if big brother finds out. Scott tells him he won’t say anything if Johnny doesn’t, and that guarantee is good enough for Johnny to indulge in this after-party delight. He just prays they finish up before anyone catches them!
Sexy Scott Finn gettin himself some good dick is always hot to watch.
Johnny Hill…awesome cock….awesome fucking ability!! The guy could fuck the cum out of me anytime!
I rather Johnny Hill bottoming>>>>>>>>>>>>
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