With a week long break ahead of them, old high school buddies Donte Thick, Jackson Cooper and Carter Woods look to reunite and rekindle their school day get togethers with a little bit of the 3 Rs: rest, relaxation, and some really good fucking. Despite their distance, when the three of them get together, it’s just like old times. Jackson still has that edible ass that Donte loves to feast on, and Carter still knows how to fuck Donte just right. In fact, as the three of them fuck and suck, then cum onto and into one another, it’s as if they never parted ways. And what better way to spend your vacation than catching up with a few of your best fucking friends?
Welcome to the Donte Thick/ Carter Woods/ Jackson Cooper pleasure dome!
The fury dude with the glasses oh yeah what a wow factor want him for total exploration
Sorry CT_ Donte Thick is mine but join in on the lovefest, Bru!
them be fighting words! LOL
good you two fight over him and I will take the other two
We’re all in!
ROFL sneaky
that is me getting what I need!
seize the opportunity by the dick I don’t blame you
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