TitanMen director Jasun Mark has just posted a new Road Trip video with Justin King and Dario Beck. If you’ve missed the first one with Scott Hunter and Dirk Caber, you can also watch it below!
If you’ve seen my video interview with Justin King, then you know he is a very hot and funny guy (click here if you haven’t seen it yet). In the interview he told me that he really wants to work in the US and shoot for some of the biggest studios. Now he is Palm Springs shooting his first TitanMen scene, a threesome with Hunter Marx and Dario Beck!
Jasun drove Justin and Dario to Palm Springs at rush hour, so they had time to record the second Road Trip video! Enjoy
i would SOOOOO love to have a kiki with Justin King. I am SO captivated by him that I can barely stand to stop staring at him long enough to even look at Dario Beck and Jason Mark, both of whom are also HOT. good grief.
Haha thank you….was a lot of fun doing it =)
You must do it again sometime, Justin!
Jasun got the craziest facial expressions and I love it!
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