Touch: it’s the most primal means of communication, and from the moment Andrew Stark and Ludo Sander embrace, it’s clear they’re both ready to fuck. Andrew’s body is tall, smooth and muscled. His rock-hard cock pushes deep in Ludo’s mouth, but the blowjob is just the warmup round. Andrew spears Ludo from behind, eliciting a gasp of pleasure. ‘Oh, like that, slap that harder,’ says Ludo, and Andrew responds with gusto; he grabs Ludo’s wrists and pushes him face-first into the bed with powerful thrusts. Andrew pulls his cock out of Ludo’s ass to flip him over. It seems impossible that Andrew’s monstrous cock can fit inside Ludo’s slender body, but Ludo takes it hard until cum flies everywhere, with Andrew shooting his load directly into Ludo’s mouth.
Watch Ludo and Andrew fuck at Falcon Studios
Watch Ludo and Andrew fuck at Falcon Studios [jwplayer player=”1″ mediaid=”41480″]
Andrew’s working on some hot ass!
Sorry guys… Ludo is just fucking gross 🙂 It’s like Hugo Boss fucking a dollar store here… or Tom Ford fucking K-Mart. Where did they get this guy?
Ludo 🙁 I’ve never lost a hard on that quick before. Time for me to switch to straight porn. Really Falcon? Really? Ludo? WTF?
I can watch this scene as long as I let my eyes go out of focus and stare at Andrew Starks face with the volume all the way down. Not only is Ludo gross… his moaning is the worst. Shame on you Falcon for mixing your non profit work with my porn… couldn’t you have just bought the poor kid a sandwich and left him on the street corner.
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