Set in Victorian London, the Showtime series Penny Dreadful is a psychological thriller that brings together some of literature’s most enigmatic and popular characters like Dr. Victor Frankenstein, Dorian Grey, and several memorable figures from “Dracula.” This tv show features many nude and sex scenes including gay ones!
Dorian Gray (Reeve Carney) seduces a mysterious sharpshooter, Ethan Chandler (Josh Hartnett). They kiss and have sex in Penny Dreadful, and I hope their story will continue in season 2!
Fans of Eva Green will also enjoy this series, because she is a great actress and in episode 5, her performance was amazing!
You can find some hot gifs at the bottom of this post, enjoy!
See Hollywood’s hottest actors naked at Mr Man
See Hollywood’s hottest actors at Mr Man
1 comment
As you know QP Dorian is a wicked wicked man and Ethan fucks like a beast more so better with a man!