Robots and humans alike can find pleasure in each other as evidenced in the cum-bursting conclusion of‘s latest Super Gay Hero porn parody: “Ex-Machina.” Gay porn stars Jessy Ares and Paddy O’Brian take turns fucking Sunny Colucci, Griffin Barrows and Ken Rodeo! Sessions complete. monthly membership is 33% OFF!
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— QueerPig (@theQueerPig) December 22, 2016
And mankind with be deleted from the earth, machines with take over, under and be unmoved by man’s mighty cocks, for mankind with be anew and copulating with machines from which they viewed. No falling in love, no emotions detected, we will become the machines forever ejected! Jessy Ares, Paddy Obrian, Sunny Culucci, Ken Rodeo and Griffin Barrows, great job!
can you please tell me who is this?
He is Sean Cody’s Troy. This is his profile:
You’re the Best.
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