Men At Play‘s latest video called “Break Point” stars two hung muscle men, Jessy Ares and Gabriel Vanderloo. I really enjoyed watching this videos, because the chemistry is great between these two! Jessy is a powerful top, and he pounds Gabriel’s ass like there’s no tomorrow! Enjoy this hot scene playing exclusively on!
Watch Gabriel and Jessy fuck at Men At Play
Watch Gabriel and Jessy fuck at Men At Play [jwplayer player=”1″ mediaid=”46275″]
Somebody tell me, WHAT THE FUCK has happened to Jessy Ares!?! He’s beefier, hotter and so so I want to have this fucker for my very own! Dammit!
Gabriel Vanderloo and Jessy Ares got some boiling steam in the match up.
Hey Darkhog, I got this warning from Jonas over at QC. Not sure if I want to bother with QC anymore if I can’t comment and have fun. As you can see it was meant for both of us.
okay guys, please just exchange email-addresses, I can help if you want to keep them private.
Yeah, I seen it. I may go silent for awhile. And just every once and awhile comment, there. People like the rude comments better. They forget that the though of having a thread is the more popular the site becomes. So josh, you wouldn’t be the only one this would be directed toward, anyone who start a thread and not negative would end up a target. Think about our pass friends. Just go there and read them sometimes without commenting somethings and you will see.
Thanks, Darkhog. Perhaps that’s what happened to DT and Laphog; they got tired of it. Although, I do miss both of them. But I’m glad you’re still here!
I’ll stick with QP, I like the content here and QP seems pretty cool!
That’s what happened my friend and that’s why I stay here. We should be supported of each other, understanding. But we are just a bad as everybody else. We seem to attack the reason we were attacked for being gay.
QP is a great place to be… Always thinking and moving forward to the way gay men should be going.
When I read a comment that I don’t agree with or don’t like what they’ve said, I move on. I don’t feel that it’s necessary to attack someone for their view(s). Plus, I really hate arguing.
I agree, QP is a great place to be, plus I like his style.
Yeah, that what I do also, plus a little crush on QP goes a long way. I like personable people, and he’s a very personable. This place rocks, and attacking people because of your own personal taste where offending comments, actors, people’s taste is bad form. I am so sorry that this time it was you josh.
I stay pretty distant with people in general in my personal life, and being friend with some here keeps me grounded.
I know that you like QP; I figured that out a long time ago. 😉
Thank you, Darkhog! I didn’t take offense to what was said, it’s just that they encourage us to comment, and when we do, we’re shot down for doing so. It seems like some sort of double standard.
I’m really glad that I met you here! You make me laugh, think and I really appreciate your friendship!
HaHa well josh like I like you. You’re a nice guy, very up beat, positive, looks on the bright side of things. That’s what the world needs not bashing others, you’re a keeper. I just wish the others had came here instead of going away.
Welcome Buddy!
Hey Josh and Darkhog:
I don’t mean to intrude on your party, but I am glad I stumbled on this conversation. I, too, have wondered about DT and Laphog as well as Mawbinatl (I think). Suddenly, out of the blue, someone who is a regular poster will just stop posting. And you’re left wondering why…
I just want you both to know that I like you both, I thoroughly enjoy your posts, and I appreciate the way each of you is so respectful of others, even when certain ones might not be deserving of that respect. You make me smile, you brighten my day. Plus, we support each other (as best we can in cyberspace). Thank you for all of that! I hope we keeping meeting here at QC and/or QP. Take care. 🙂
Thanks, Jjp75, and you’re not intruding in the least. It’s perplexing as to what happened to all three of these guys. I just hope that they’re ok.
I like you as well. You’ve made some great comments and I love your sense of humor (I’ve even responded to some of your posts trying to be funny). I try to respect others as a whole; kind of a do onto others philosophy. You’re a great guy, Jjp75 and I’m glad that I’ve had the opportunity to meet you! Here’s to many more years of posting and support! Take care. 🙂
Thank you, Josh! You have made my day! I am not worthy of your kind words. I enjoy your sense of humor and great posts. I also like your comment (below) about not attacking someone for his views and that you “hate arguing.” Even with the anonymity of the Internet, there is still room for kindness, support, and nonjudgment. And it doesn’t take much effort to extend a well-appreciated kindness. It’s easy to determine what a classy, kind man you are.
I will give you a “Cheers” as well for many more great interactions with each other. Honest to God, it brightens my day more than I can tell you. Take care, Friend!
Thank you, I appreciate your kind words!
You’re a great guy; I hope that you realize that! I tip my hat to you for being so kind and generous! But honestly, I’m just a regular guy, nothing special.
I just wish that others would see how ignorant they are when they attack others for no reason other than not liking the way a guy styles his hair, or any other idiotic thing they can think of to bash someone. I wonder how they would feel if that constantly happened to them. It starts to wear you down. Kind of like reading the same old stuff from the same people; they’ve become very predictable. Ok, I’ll get off my soapbox now… 😉
In case I don’t talk to you tomorrow, have a great Thanksgiving!
Take care, hun!
Hey Josh:
Thanks again for your kind words. 🙂 And I’m certain you are “something special!” I can easily see it here, today and in the past.
I do know what you mean about the ignorance that occurs when someone is critical (even vicious) with his comments. In general, it’s never admirable to knock down someone else, but I suspect that some of the models might read these comments. (We know Scott Hunter does!)
I get so much enjoyment and satisfaction by my involvement with this site. I even mention it to others. Anyway, thanks for making me feel good and for your continued friendship!
Have a Great Thanksgiving!
Hey James,
Thank you for your kind words! I really am just an average guy.
The way you carry yourself with your comments tells me that you’re someone who sincerely cares about others. That is a very admirable quality not everyone has.
I like it when Scott replies; it shows that he not only appreciates his fans, but takes time out of his busy day to acknowledge us.
Thanks for being a good friend, James! It’s truly appreciated!
Take care!
Hello Josh:
Thanks to Darkhog and you, I am feeling particularly wonderful tonight! 🙂 Thank you for your generous comments about me.
You are absolutely correct about Scott Hunter. We are lucky to be touched by him (figuratively) and watching him touch others (literally). It is appreciated and so admirable of him to reach out to us in that way. And I have noticed that he even graciously and respectfully replies to those whose comments are not entirely positive.
On the eve of Thanksgiving, I am feeling so blessed and so thankful for a number of things, but my friendship with you is a very sweet part of that! 🙂 Take care, Friend!
PS to Darkhog and Josh: So now you know my first name. One other tidbit of trivia re Jjp75: my avatar here is a picture I took of the Niagara River, near Niagara Falls, one of my absolute favorite places. This shot is after a hike via Niagara Glen down to the river—heaven…
Hi James,
I’m glad that you’re having a great night! I feel blessed that we’ve taken the time to write to each other, and getting to know you as a good friend is something I’m very thankful for! 🙂
Part of my Thanksgiving eve is going to be spent watching the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving special (don’t laugh… it’s the kid in me).
My avatar is of Lenticular clouds. I’ve actually seen one and they’re absolutely amazing. These are by Mt. Rainier. They indicate a change in the weather.
Have a great Thanksgiving!
Josh, I really don’t mean to be a pest… But I think it’s sweet that you enjoy the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving Special! There is definitely a kid in me, too! 🙂
Thank you for explaining your avatar, too. I was hoping you would. Those clouds are beautiful. That’s something we have in common. Each of us chose a beautiful shot in nature…
Best to you, today and always…
James, Please don’t apologize, you are far from being a pest… I have another confession… I like the Christmas specials, too.
It was so funny, when I saw the cloud it was over a lake. I watched the news that night and that’s when I learned about them. The house I live in faces east. I live on a hill and when I look out the front window there’s a park a few blocks away with a lot of evergreens. It’s like looking at a forest. I really enjoy that view.
I hope you have a great night!
Hey Jjp75:
First of all, Thanks for your friendship and longtime support. In this world friendships are hard to find. You’re on point about a lot of things. Sometimes when we have bad days we tend to pick on the sunny side of how other’s look on the bright side of life and tend to attack what we don’t understand.
I have many days like this but refuse to put it off on others for the sake of being a man, I can handle my own. As we all should, and not bring it to others for what we’re going through. We should be a band of brothers looking out and helping each other grow. Yes, I myself thought the the more interacting we had together, the more we come together as a “Rainbow Tribe,” This will take time and patience. There are many bitter people out there and I for one refuse to be that type of person, we are few right now, but one day we will be many.
I hope that Laphog, DT, and yes Mawbinatl will read our comments and come back one day, I missed them so, and I try always to put a twist of them in my comments.
Again, Thanks Man and you’re going to see me around, this is a fight that I enjoy taking on and in time josh will too. You can still kill negativity with love, patience and kindness by being involved; Just existing! We will rise! 🙂
Hi Darkhog:
I am grateful for your warm reply! 🙂 Thank you for your friendship, too! I have been able to see what a patient, classy man you are, and you inspire me. We’ve had this conversation before…
I like your term, “Rainbow Tribe,” and your suggestion of killing negativity: a worthy aspiration. In the relative anonymity of the Internet, it’s easy for some to be hateful, petty, and vindictive. But, as you, our Buddy Josh, and I have been saying, it’s just as easy (and life-affirming) for us to be positive, supportive, and friendly. I certainly try to live my life this way…
I do feel a sense of acceptance and belonging here, and you are a large part of that! I look forward to more… Please take care.
Hey James,
QP, is up to seed on what we are talking about. We tweeted this morning and he’s clear on what’s been going on. He like for this site to remain positive and remain that way. People tend to get off on gossip and throwing others under the bus as to say. I was always raised to not participate in hurting mentally/physically anyone if you can help it. I walked away once and found this great site and continue to find good gracious friends llike you, josh, Lappie, DT, Mawbinatl and the ever present Andy (QP). And I love you guys for the knowledge, fun and laughter we give each other. The studios who bring us joy and pleasure, the performers who work DAMN hard for the money.
Yes some of them do read our comments like Scott Hunter, Christian Mitchell, and appreciate the feedback we give. These are just a few that hard contacted me and I am so thankful.
I always around even when it seem I silent. James also. 😉
Hi Darkhog!
It is great to hear your perspective on this. And I sure appreciate your kind words…
I totally agree with you in that we should appreciate QC/QP, the studios, and the models for the outstanding job performed by all. Their presentations and their efforts go far beyond pleasing. They give us beauty and passion, affording us fulfilling fantasy and, for some, escape. Maybe there are some models that don’t turn on every reader/poster/subscriber, but in those rare instances, it is far classier, nobler, preferable not to make negative comments because they can do damage. Some guys don’t understand that.
That Scott Hunter and others have contacted you is a compliment to you and your enthusiastic support.
I am thankful for you, Josh, and some others here (including some of the QC editors who take an active role in their interactions with the posters). On the eve of Thanksgiving, I feel incredibly blessed in many ways. And I am extremely grateful for friends like you. Take care, Friend!
PS to Darkhog and Josh: So now you know my first name. One other tidbit of trivia re Jjp75: my avatar here is a picture I took of the Niagara River, near Niagara Falls, one of my absolute favorite places.
Oh Jessy show us those sexy feet.
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