Dato Foland slams Jean Favre’s ass with his beautiful uncut cock in Part 3 of Drill My Hole‘s latest series called “Made You Look!” Keep an eye on Jean, because he is new to porn and he has some hot videos coming!
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Coming Soon: @FolandDato fucks @Jeanfavrebryan in @MEN ‘s upcoming video ? ➜ [https://t.co/hdGk7sHtM0] pic.twitter.com/c4ZSPwUwgB
— QueerPig (@theQueerPig) January 14, 2017
Jeepers Freekers!
What’s the name of the third guy (in backround)?
His name is Erick Ortega, a spanish gay porn actor
Jean Favre debut was in august 2016, is not “newcomer”. He worked for HardKinks
I think they mean new to MEN.com
I think so, because of that the “newcomer” in my comment
Thanks for the tip, HardKinks is off my radar.
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