Roman Todd wakes up in a stranger’s room after a long night of partying. Confused, he walks into the bathroom and finds Jaxton Wheeler, showering his furry body. Roman apologizes for the intrusion but Jaxton doesn’t mind one bit. In fact, he invites Roman to join him for a quick sprinkle. After a little convincing Roman decides to rinse off. Without fail, a horny Jaxton drops to his knees to service Roman’s straight boy cock. That’s not quite enough for Jaxton, though. He sticks his thick dick in Roman’s tight ass next.
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Roman knew exactly what he was doing and couldn’t wait to get Jaxton deep inside of him.
Awaken for that bed Roman seems like he arose from heaven.
Baby face Roman cross over to to get some good dick ( not exclusive Jaxton lil dick)…. Jaxton should be bottoming at all time lil he loose some of that fat
At one point Jaxton said he wouldn’t bottom again, yet I see he is bottoming for Colby in the Bear Weekend orgy. Some asses were just made to be fucked!!
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