“How to Get Away with Murder” is a brand new series from Shonda Rhimes (Grey’s Anatomy, Scandal). The series follows the exploits of a group of ambitious law students, taking a class with famed criminal defense attorney Annalise Keating (Viola Davis), who teaches them, you guessed it, how to get away with murder.
But….there are far more important things in the series that you should see! First of all, Jake Falahee plays a seductive gay man “Connor Walsh,” who always gets what he wants by fucking other men (played by Niko Pepaj and Conrad Ricamora)! I had no idea that his series has so much gay sex scenes in it – by the way I really enjoy this show – so thanks to Mr. Man I can show you a couple of screencaps.
Mr. Man is the world’s foremost authority on celebrity nudity. With meticulously catalogued video clips and pictures of actors who have dared to bare, Mr. Man has no fakes and no scams, only the highest quality content that you can trust. Forget the days of wading through plot and dialogue just to get to the moment when your favorite actor gets nude, Mr. Man is “fast-forwarding to the good parts” so you don’t have to.
You can find some hot gifs at the bottom of this post, enjoy!
See Hollywood’s hottest actors naked at Mr Man
See Hollywood’s hottest actors at Mr Man
How to get more of THIS on this show.
I’m with you! More Celebs nude please!