Dominic Ford has started to promoting the studios upcoming series “MEATRACK” which premieres on 27th June at! The studio shot this series at Fire Island and it features Trenton Ducati, Duncan Black, JD Phoenix and a 4th guy (I don’t know his name).
Make sure you watch the trailer at the bottom of this page and these beautiful banners below!
Watch the first episode of MEATRACK tomorrow at Dominic Ford
Watch the first episode of MEATRACK tomorrow at Dominic Ford [jwplayer player=”1″ mediaid=”21732″]
Watch the first episode of MEATRACK tomorrow at Dominic Ford
Those are some smoking asses!
Indeed! I hope it’s a flip-fucks scene between Trenton and Duncan!
A dream come true.
just luscious!
You toom the words right out of my mouth!
all the more room to stick something else in!
Yes, some long and meaty.