“You still smell like him,” smiles Dirk Caber at his hubby. Dakota Rivers’ dick head peeks out of his shorts, Dirk having a taste before they free their beasts. Dirk gets slurped, his dick snapping back to his stomach when released from Dakota’s mouth. Dakota fucks Dirk’s furry hole, the bottom sitting all the way down to his tight sac. Dirk gets on his back—his boner expertly stroked as Dakota fucks him: “You are so mean when you’re doing that. I love it!” Dakota’s ass cheeks clench as he piledrives in, the top stroking out Dirk’s load before delivering another messy, multi-squirt facial—rubbing it into the bottom’s beard before kissing him, a strand of cum still dripping from Dirk’s dick head.
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1 comment
Rock hard looking at that facial.
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