Dean Phoenix smacks Dakota Young‘s ass hard, over and over again, but instead of administering punishment, it turns out Dakota is just getting turned on. Dean senses this and decides to switch tactics, slowly inserting a finger into Dakota’s hole. Dakota moans with pleasure and Dean realizes the only way he’s going to get the upper hand is to kill Dakota with kindness, so he begins to tongue Dakota’s hole. Dakota closes his eyes and enjoys the ‘punishment’ gladly flipping over when Dean asks him to suck him off. He proves very skilled for someone who has never done it before, but Dean has his sights set on taking Dakota’s virginity, so once he’s nice and hard, he bends Dakota over and plunges his raw cock deep inside Dakota’s virgin hole. Dakota moans as Dean splits him open, pounding him from behind as Dakota takes every inch. Dean fucks Dakota all over the bed in every position before ending up in missionary. With his raw daddy dick having its way with Dakota’s hole, Dakota spits his load all over himself, as Dean pulls out and blasts Dakota with his very first grown-up facial, emptying his jizz all over Dakota’s face as Dakota sucks on Dean’s quivering head.
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1 comment
I love the profile views of Dakota such a handsome young man!
And if messing around with a dildo meant getting fucked I would go back to doing it again myself! LOL
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