Dato Foland is in for a haircut but gets way more than he expected from Francois Sagat. The men take turns sucking, licking and fucking each other to a perfect cumclusion.
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? @MEN video: @FolandDato flip-fucks @SagatFrancois in “Skilled Tricks, Part 3” at Drill My Hole ? ➜ [https://t.co/s1tP6syuZZ] #gayporn pic.twitter.com/8hZQhpXpk6
— QueerPig (@theQueerPig) December 18, 2017
Dato Foland and Francois Sagat make me wanna get blow dried!
Always great to see and gorgeous combination. ….Dato and Francios
For someone who’s bottomed many times, Francois’ got a pretty tight looking male cunt.
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