“You sure you’re not aroused by men?” Master Oaks (Damien Oaks) massaged his bulge, seeing Austin Young tremble at being groped so freely. Austin had learned to go with the process, let himself be fondled and do what his elders told him to do. After all, he wanted their approval. When Master Oaks pulled out his cock, Austin felt goosebumps move up his neck and arms. The older man placed him on his desk on all fours, examining him as he’d done many others before. It was Austin’s hole that grabbed his attention. Master Oaks saw how tight and smooth it was. Master Oaks held his cock up to Austin’s hole, feeling it submit to his presence. It didn’t take more than a firm, solid push for it to break into his ass, filling him with a few inches of his manhood. Austin let out a moan from deep inside.
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