Shane Jacobs had just returned home from a long night at work. Before taking a nap, he decides to message Conrad Logun, who’s been out of the country for a week. As usual, their conversation turned sexual real quick… which is perfect right before going to sleep. As Shane drifts off into what’s about to be the best dream he’s ever had, Conrad appears and is soon tongue deep in his ass before turning him over and repeatedly deep throating his hard cock. As Shane said, he misses his man’s cock in his ass, so he submits and lets Conrad fuck him into the bed… until eventually fucking the cum out of him. When Shane wakes up to message Conrad about his dream, he’s confused by what he finds on the nightstand…
Watch Conrad and Shane fuck at Guys In Sweatpants
Watch Conrad and Shane fuck at Guys In Sweatpants [jwplayer player=”1″ mediaid=”23625″]
look at those couple of cuties! that looks like a plain ol’ good time, and i mean that in the very best way.
Te bookish worm nails the hot model type man!
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