Colt Rivers is back on the prowl for a ginger. He wants to lick ginger ass and be fucked by ginger cock. Colt Callaghan meets all the requirements, and then some. He is one sexy ginger with a hot cock and nice, big balls. Colt chokes on his ginger dick, and then gets his sweet ass plowed in Drill My Hole’s new video!
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Colt on Colt; two wild stallions playing together.
hey baby welCUM back… missed you ……. now the trio in game…. Darkhog, kaike and Josh
We’re the fuck team and the best in the game!
Yes, Sir!
Thank you, kaike30615! We are a great trio and getting better all the time!
Colt got a little ginger fire plugged up in dat ass with Colt Callaghan doing it well!
Another SC reunion of sorts…Colt and Ryan….I wonder if they bonded over getting the shit fucked out of them by Abe!
I’ll like also to lick and fuck a ginger ass and also get some ginger dick lol
Bet he tastes spicy.
fantastic ginger sexy hot getting what he want’s out of sex action going on awesome sexy hot looking dude’s
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