Sean Cody has just tweeted a teaser photo of a big fan favourite, who is making his porn comeback this Saturday! The studio tweeted: “A little clue on who is back: he’s been away for more than 2 years.” The photo below make is even easier to guess the name of the model who’s returning.
UPDATE: Sean Cody has just tweeted this photo, so it’s official!!!
The nipples and the birthmark (below the left armpit) give away that this Saturday we are going to see a new video with ABE!! I took a screen shot from Abe & Brent’s video, so I’m 100% sure it’s Abe on the #GuessWho photo!
Abe only has 9 Sean Cody videos, but his performance as a power top made him one of the most popular models on the website. He filmed scenes with Spencer, Colt, Charlie, Brent, Charley, Jayden, Ryan and Joshua. Click here to watch all of Abe’s Sean Cody videos! It looks like he put on a little weight, but I’m super excited about his porn comeback!