Celebrate 4th of July with HUGE gay porn membership discounts from dozens of studios offering the hottest videos and featuring the sexiest men! You can save up to 75% or join for $0 if you follow the promotional links below. Hurry up, because most of these offers will expire soon!
Christmas Sale 2018: The Best Deals for Gay Porn Memberships [UPDATED]


Now is the perfect time to get yourself a few gay porn memberships, because every gay porn studio is running a Thanksgiving / Black Friday / Cyber Monday deal right now, and you can save a lot of money if you join any of these sites listed below!
Make sure to keep this page bookmarked for the latest updates and new listings, because I’ll add more soon as soon as they become available!
Get the BEST 4th JULY Gay Porn Membership Deals in 2018!

Valentine’s Day Sale 2018: The Best Deals for Gay Porn Memberships

Valentine’s Day is almost here, and our favourite gay porn studios have already started the V-Day sales! Make sure you bookmark this page, because you can save a lot of money if you join any of these sites listed below! There will be more discounts coming, so come back soon for updates, and new listings!
TOP 20 Most Popular Gay Porn Stars of 2017

It is time to announce the Most Popular Gay Porn Stars of 2017! This top 20 list is based on QueerPig’s Google Analytics stats, and YOUR clicks only! These are the models you search the most for on this blog. You should also check out the top performers of 2016, 2015, 2014 and 2013! Congratulations to all of these hot men!
TitanMen’s $99 LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP (no renewal fees) SALE is back!

Now it the best time to join a TitanMen, because the studio has a membership option that will blow your mind! For only $99.00, you’ll get unlimited access to the studio’s videos FOR LIFE! Yes, you’ve read it right, it’s a LIFETIME membership, so there will be no renewal fees ever, and your membership will never expire! Plus you’ll get a free 1-month membership to NakedSword!
Hurry up and join now, because this is a very limited sale, and this offer ends Midnight 1/2/2018!
Christmas Sale 2017: The Best Deals for Gay Porn Memberships [UPDATED]


Now is the perfect time to get yourself a gay porn membership, because every gay porn studio is running a Thanksgiving / Black Friday / Cyber Monday deal right now, and you can save a lot of money if you join any of these sites listed below!
Make sure to keep this page bookmarked for the latest updates and new listings.
Report this FAKE Twitter account that is pretending to be affiliated with QueerPig!

I’ve received multiple emails today asking if @PassaporteGama was my Twitter profile. The owner of this account is pretending to be the “Producer and Content Editor” of QueerPig to cast – and catfish – guys in Brazil. Please don’t contact this person, and report this FAKE profile, because he is not affiliated with QueerPig.com! Thank you!
This blog doesn’t produce gay porn or cast models for productions, and its official (and only) Twitter account is @theQueerPig!
UPDATE: I got messages about the same guy trying to get people to send him nudes using this email address: queerpigboston@outlook.com! Don’t answer him or send him personal photos, he is catfishing you!