I have tons of behind the scenes pictures for you! Our favorite porn studios are working hard shooting new scenes with the hottest models in the biz!
➤ First of all, Hot House director Christian Owen and his porn star boyfriend Jimmy Durano posted tons of pics from the recent HH shoots. Brandon Jones filmed a scene with Landon Conrad for the studios Club Inferno line. The crew has also started to film a new Gym Dudes movie with Connor Kline, Connor Maguire and Lance Luciano!
➤ The Falcon Studios crew is shooting a new movie in Guerneville! Falcon exclusive Ryan Rose, Doug Acre, Brandon Jones, Ray Diaz and Cooper Reed tweeted from the set. Ryan Rose had a scene with Ray Diaz and Brandon Jones bottomed for Cooper Reed! I’ll keep you updated with more pics from this shoot!
➤ Lucas Entertainment has started shooting a new Gentlemen movie! Rafael Carreras took some pictures with his Lucas exclusive scene partner, Vito Gallo. If this pair is not hot enough for you, then let me tell you that Angelo Marconi is also in this scene!
➤ MEN.com filmed a new video with sexy husbands Tomas Brand and Logan Rogue.
➤ Man Royale director Ben Damon tweeted some hot behind the scene photos of Jeremy Stevens and Ty Roderick shooting with Tyler Morgan!
➤ Sean Duran, Jack King and Joey Cooper shot a hot threesome ! Enjoy the hot pics!
fun times!
Holy Sh*t! I’m excited!
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