Brock Magnus signed with Lucas Entertainment as a new exclusive model during the studio’s July 2017 production in Spain. Brock is pure beefcake: the 22-year-old native of the Czech Republic has a background in bodybuilding, which is apparent when you see his incredible physique. He weighs in at 230 pounds of pure muscle.
Brock is in Spain right now filming new bareback movies with Rico Marlon, Shawn Reeve, Klim Gromov, Vic Andrey, Billy Santoro, Andy Star, Devin Franco, Pheonix Wellington, Ken Summers, Patrick Dei, and Aitor Bravo!
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Pheonix M Fellington on Twitter
Pheonix M Fellington on Twitter
Richard RICO MARLON on Twitter
Now that we’ve seen some behind the scene pics, I want the dirt to be dished!
I wanna see James Castle on LE again!
Where’s Seth?
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