It’s been only 2 weeks since I wrote about Dionisio Heiderscheid a.k.a. “D.O.” shooting with Adam Killian for Lucas Entertainment, but today Queer Me Now has published some screencaps from Lucas Entertainment‘s upcoming audition movie “Auditions 48“, in which D.O. gets fucked for the first time on camera by the owner of a 10.5″ cock, Hot Rod! D.O. has been a top only performer since the beginning of his porn career, but it looks like he has taken a dick or two in the past, because it’s not easy to take a massive cock like Hot Rod has. I’m really excited about D.O.’s bottoming debut, let’s hope the studio releases the movie soon!
D.O. seems to be loving that dick, his ass is taking, and he likes them big… I always thought he was caged and needed to be let loose to go farther in porn.
Hey QP, a little tweet… someone been trying to meet up with Diesel Washington… mmm is this the next match up? ; )
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