Nothing turns Johnny Hazzard on more than a man in authority, and Detective Adrian Hart has plenty of it! Johnny is a person of interest in a murder case and Detective Adrian is in search of evidence. Searching Johnny’s van is his first stop. While searching the vehicle, Adrian is caught off guard as he sees Johnny approaching. Johnny crawls into the back of the van where Adrian is waiting to blow Johnny’s raging hard cock. Johnny makes sweet love to Adrian’s beautiful ass, and then he fucks his tight hole, hard.
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Discreet and assisted very well, Sirs!
Adrian sure has a nice ass just begging for…
Yeah, bubble willing and ready!
Once you’re inside you won’t want to leave.
Until the next one arrives. ; )
So true. 😉
Hot! Is it just me or does Adrian remind you of the straight porn star Ray Victory? Like, he could be the younger gay brother.
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