Seeing how much you loved ‘Pure Suit’ Men At Play decided it was time for another 100% Suited Scene like only Menatplay know how. Scott Hunter‘s ass is always hungry for cock, especially when its comes from a handsome, dominant suited top. So he lets his Store Manager Adam Dacre order him around, complying to all his demands. For Scott playing the sub turns him on as much as being the sub. So after bossing him around a bit Adam sits back and orders Scott to unzip his suit trousers and service his cock. Before making a convenient hole in Scott’s beautiful suit so that he can fuck him senseless over the store display table. We know you love seeing Scott Hunter get fucked hard and rough, and if on top of that you happen to love your Men in Suits this one will seem like your Birthday and Christmas all rolled in to one.
Watch Scott and Adam fuck at Men At Play
Watch Scott and Adam fuck at Men At Play [jwplayer player=”1″ mediaid=”25738″]
Is there was a man that I’d ever desired to have in a suit, it is Scott Hunter. He’s one sexy man, and being dressed to impress, he did. Adam brought me over the edge as a bitch of a boss, who went too far in demanding to corrupt his prey into getting his way.
I love Scott with the beard!
So hot!
This bend me over and fuck me deep hot.
is that a request?
Are you offering to take care of business?
if that’s what you need, baby.
Oh, baby, is it ever!
Gorgeous. I love men in suits.
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